How to Maximise your home sale price

Years in real estate have taught me one key question that fuels everything I do: 

"How can I turn your home sale into an exceptional outcome?"

Distilling that experience, I've identified the most effective actions you can take to make your property truly irresistible to buyers. Keep reading to discover them!

Jessica Chea
Real estate agents Glen Waverley, Mount Waverley & surrounds.

1. Finish Those Projects!

We all have them: those lingering DIY jobs that get sidelined. Maybe you're 90% done with a bathroom update, but life got busy. It's understandable! But when selling your home, completing these projects makes a big difference.

Imagine a buyer stepping in. They should see a move-in-ready space, not a fixer-upper. Finishing those last 10% makes a huge impact. Buyers envision their lives there, not weekend to-do lists.

Of course, starting major renovations right before selling might not be the best strategy. If you're unsure about a project, our experienced team is here to help! We can advise you based on years of real estate sales experience.

2. See Your Home Through Buyer's Eyes

Here's a selling tip I love: become the buyer! Take a walk-through of your own home, pretending you're a potential purchaser on an inspection. It's a simple yet powerful way to identify areas for improvement and ensure your home stands out.

Imagine yourself critically examining every detail, just like a serious buyer would. Here are key aspects to consider:

Curb Appeal is King: First impressions matter. Make sure your entrance and front garden are tidy and welcoming.

Declutter for Spaciousness: Potential buyers appreciate a sense of space. Remove clutter from countertops and throughout the house to create a more open feel.

Deep Clean Reveals Confidence: Buyers notice details, even inside cabinets. Give your entire home a thorough cleaning to showcase your commitment to maintenance.

Neutralize for Imagination: Remove personal items from your decor. This allows potential buyers to envision themselves living comfortably in the space.

Remember, buyers have options. By addressing these details, you can ensure your home makes a lasting positive impression and stands out from the competition.

3. Should You Stage Your Home? Unveiling the Potential

While your home is undeniably charming, strategically enhancing its presentation can elevate your selling potential. Here's why considering professional staging might be a smart move:

Showcase Your Home's Strengths: Staging experts highlight your home's best features, creating a spacious, inviting, and comfortable atmosphere. Buyers can easily visualize themselves living there, fostering an emotional connection.
Stand Out from the Crowd: A well-staged home grabs attention online and offline, separating it from the competition.
But is staging right for you?

Staging adds to selling costs, so it's crucial to weigh the investment against potential returns. Our team has extensive experience in local home staging and achieving optimal results. We're happy to offer free advice to help you decide if staging is the key to unlocking your home's full selling potential.

Remember: Deep cleaning and depersonalizing your space are essential steps, regardless of staging. This allows buyers to focus on your home's features and imagine their own lives within its walls.

Bonus tip - Know Your Competition: Market Research Made Easy

Having assessed your home from a buyer's perspective, let's delve into the local market! Understanding the competition is key to positioning your property for success.

Why it Matters: Buyers have choices. By researching similar properties (size, bedrooms, etc.), you gain valuable insights:

Pricing Strategy: Analyze asking prices of comparable homes. This helps determine a competitive yet attractive price point for your own listing.

Highlight Your Advantages: Identify features unique to your property. Is it a stunning backyard or a renovated kitchen? Knowing what sets you apart allows you to emphasize those strengths in your marketing.

Making it Simple: Most online real estate platforms allow you to easily search for similar listings. This provides a good starting point.

Remember: Publically available data may not encompass every property on the market. Use this information as a general guide, and don't hesitate to consult with our team for a more comprehensive analysis. We're here to help you navigate the local market and achieve your selling goals!
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