Hello valued landlords and tenants!
Our Rental Team has been working non-stop to bring you a better property exprience. Introducing, PropertyMe, our latest property management power weapon for a better, more seamless experience for our landlords and tenants.
What is PropertyMe?
PropertyMe is a cloud-based software that assists property managers by automation of property management tasks. Our decision to make the switch is driven by our goal to leverage this type of technology to allow our Rental Team to work more efficiently and communicate more effectively. Clever, easy, everywhere!
What landlords need to know
1. Owners Portal
Landlords will be able to log in to the owners portal and access all information they need including property details, current balance, financial reporting, upcoming events, jobs, inspection reports and all year around statements. Once we have granted you acess, you will receive an email with your log in details to sign in here.
Please watch this quick video on how to use the Owners Portal.
What tenants need to know
2. Tenants Portal
Tenants will be able to log in and create new maintenance requests, see upcoming events, access receipts, rental information and more. Once we have granted you acess, you will receive an email with your log in details to sign in here.
We are extremely excited to working with PropertyMe to improve our current workflow and overall standard of service to both our valued landlords and tenants. If you have any questions or notice anything out of the ordinary, please do let us know so we can investigate and action it immediately: rentals@waverleycity.com.au.
A quick word from our Managing Director, Thomas Som
"Thank you for entrusting your investment property in the hands of our Rental Team! We are priviledged to assist you. At First National Waverley City, we are always looking for ways to improve our service and connect better with our clients. We embrace change and I believe a powerful platform like PropertyMe will give our valued landlords and tenants a seamless property experience like never before. With our new point of difference, it will make it very easy for landlords and investors to choose us to look after their properties while giving our tenants the transparency in the process when renting a house. As we roll out this major transition in our businesss, I would like to ask you for your feedback along the way to help us shape the future of our property management services. Please fill in the form below or call us for a quick chat on 03 9560 3988."